Improving food safety and water efficient production for Jordanian horticultural produce

After a long period of only being able to hold courses online due to COVID-19, in the first week of October 2021, HollandDoor trainers were finally able to conduct a training activity on hydroponics, greenhouse management, and integrated pest management in the field in Jordan. This training, organized in collaboration with the Jordanian Agricultural Engineers Association (JAEA), was a follow-up to theoretical online courses that were held in the 10 months leading up to it.  


A group of experts, selected by JAEA, is following a two-year training program to improve their knowledge and skills, and to become ‘master trainers’ for farmers and other stakeholders in three domains:

  • Water-saving cultivation strategies using different hydroponic systems
  • Increasing food safety – healthy crops
  • Marketing – value chain management

The bespoke training event held in October introduced the first two groups to the cultivation aspects of hydroponics and integrated pest management and provided tips on how to convey their usefulness and relevance to Jordanian farmers. Using fewer recourses such as water, fertilizers, chemicals, and energy is increasingly important to be able to produce.


Another aspect addressed during this training is managing the climate in greenhouses to create ideal conditions for plant health and yield. Protected facilities prevent plants from being left to the mercy of pests, and they can also extend the production season.


But all of this requires a certain investment. Indeed, using modern cultivation techniques, such as NFT systems, aquaponics, and protected structures, goes hand in hand with good cultivation skills but also an understanding of the market demands and the financial feasibility of investments.


JAEA is investing in demonstration facilities and developing a key training program for farmers. Follow their Facebook page for more information. 


For more information please contact Engelie Beenen.


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