Portfolio Government & NGO's

Feb 2024

The Republic of Moldova aims to establish a public institution, the Horticulture Office, that will professionalize and accelerate the development of the horticulture sector....

Dec 2023

Two years after the first meeting with the board of the Lebanese organization LOST , HollandDoor has started to work with a team of specialists to strengthen the capacity on...

Dec 2023

To expand HollandDoor’s reach in specific regions or networks, we have decided to start working with affiliated partners. An affiliated partner is a professional who lives...

Nov 2023

South Korean-based company Inkium Co. Ltd. , known for its extensive range of knowledge services, plays an important role in enhancing the human resource capacity of...

Sep 2023

The Republic of Moldova has been working on modernizing its agriculture for years. Against that background, HollandDoor organised a learning and inspiration study tour on...

Sep 2023

A delegation of the Botswana Red Cross visited the Netherlands. During their stay, HollandDoor organized a short study tour to a dairy farm and to the Farm of the Future ,...

Aug 2023

We mainly share our experiences about our training courses and study tours. In the summer of 2023, however, we spent our time also in a different way. Together with several...

Nov 2022

Linking agricultural cooperatives with the private sector and the market is high on the agenda of the Cambodian government. In November 2022, HollandDoor organized and...

Oct 2022

HollandDoor launched the inception phase of a new multi-year project in the olive oil sector in the Palestinian Territories. HollandDoor is leading a consortium of...

Oct 2022

Ocotober 2022, HollandDoor started giving on-site (live demo) CowSignals® training sessions in India. After two years of online training during the K2K (knowledge to...

Oct 2022

On request of the Agricultural Department of the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi, HollandDoor developed an infographic focusing on greenhouse horticultural development trends in...

Sep 2022

On request of CH Business Consulting , HollandDoor organized a two-day intensive business matchmaking program on September 12-13, 2022, for Mr. Joao Coelho ( NERBE Alentejo)...

Jun 2022

HollandDoor has been implementing an OKP TMT+ Project (Orange Knowledge Programme, Tailor-Made Training) in Benin since 2020, funded by Nuffic. The objective is to refresh...

Jun 2022

The Cambodian government, which intends to set up agri-food industrial parks in the country, decided to travel to the Netherlands to familiarize itself with different...

Jun 2022

In June 2022, a large delegation of policymakers from the Ministry of Education In Indonesia, officials from the future vocational Centre of Excellence, and education...

May 2022

Twelve Egyptian researchers, advisors, teachers, and entrepreneurs visited the Netherlands in May 2022 to gather ideas about best practices and solutions in climate-smart...

Feb 2022

In 2020, HollandDoor started an OKP TMT+ Project (Orange Knowledge Programme, Tailor- Made Training) in Benin to refresh and upgrade the vocational education capacities of...

Oct 2021

HollandDoor and ZOA are jointly implementing a Nuffic -funded program called “Enhancing the knowledge and skills of extension workers and farmers in efficient irrigation and...

Oct 2021

As part of the two-year Nuffic training program for experts from Jordan, HollandDoor organized (in late October 2021) a nine-day ‘inspiration’ tour to the Netherlands – the...

Oct 2021

After a long period of only being able to hold courses online due to COVID-19, in the first week of October 2021, HollandDoor trainers were finally able to conduct a...

Jul 2021

The agro-food sector can become an essential source of growth, employment, and entrepreneurship for Jordan's economy. However, to reach the potential and align with modern...

May 2021

The agrofood sector is evolving fast with new technologies and innovations, while society’s food habits, preferences and requirements are changing on a global and local...

May 2021

In 2020, HollandDoor began livestock training sessions for agricultural schools in Benin. These sessions are related to the Nuffic OKP project on horticulture, irrigation...

May 2021

In 2020, HollandDoor started the ‘Sustainable feed & waste management in the dairy sector’ course in Sri Lanka on behalf of The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO:...

May 2021

To strengthen the dairy sector, HollandDoor experts conducted lively online workshops in 2020 for dairy advisors and other professionals in Sri Lanka and India. We used a...

May 2021

From May 24-27, the second edition of the Nuffic -funded OKP course ‘Enhancing knowledge and skills of extension workers and farmers in efficient irrigation and...

Apr 2021

‘Climate-smart agriculture and modern water management’ is a multiyear collaboration project between HollandDoor and Aeres University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), the...

Feb 2021

The latest update of our three-year India project to realize market-driven greenhouse vegetable production came in July 2020. This project started in 2018 in collaboration...

Oct 2020

HollandDoor contributes to an Egyptian agricultural program that builds the capacity of government bodies and educational institutions with regard to modern irrigation,...

Oct 2020

In India last month, HollandDoor started the first online CowSignals® advisor trainings. We organized these trainings online together with the Dutch Embassy in Delhi and the...

Oct 2020

Nuffic granted HollandDoor an OKP plus ( Orange Knowledge Programme ) for a train the trainers project in the Anbar Region of Iraq. The project will be carried out with...

Jun 2020

In earlier newsletters and via our website, we’ve informed you multiple times about the progress in our 3-year India project that HollandDoor started in 2018 in...

Mar 2020

In the first week of March 2020, HollandDoor supported a study tour for directors and principles of vocational educational centres and recourse centres in Belarus.The...

Feb 2020

The Dutch RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) has asked HollandDoor to organize four trainings on dairy farming in four different states in India.This is a so-called K2K...

Jan 2020

At the beginning of 2020, HollandDoor started implementing training courses in Sri Lanka in the field of sustainable feed and waste management with the focus on dairy....

Jan 2020

Every year, the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation , part of Wageningen University and Research (CDI-WUR), organizes the course “ Market Access for Food and...

Dec 2019

Western Black Sea Region Development Agency ( Bakka ) requested HollandDoor to organize a dedicated intensive three-day study tour program for a delegation of high-ranking...

Nov 2019

The Embassy of the Netherlands in Colombo and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) have collaborated to conduct a study visit to the Netherlands late November 2019 with...

Oct 2019

In 2018 HollandDoor started a three-year project in India in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetables in Baramati (see Launch protected cultivation...

Oct 2019

In 2018, HollandDoor organized at the request of Kernel International , based in Dhaka Bangladesh, three short tailor-made study tours for the Ministry of Agriculture of...

Sep 2019

HollandDoor guided a Moldovan delegation visiting the Netherlands to learn how to grow strawberries on substrate. In a full week program in September 2019, the participants...

Sep 2019

In May eight stakeholders (farmer, traders, government employees, and consultants) related to the Narayangaon APMC market visited the Netherlands (read more). During this...

Jul 2019

Bright Future in Agriculture (BFA), which enhances employability and food security in Ethiopia through quality ATVETs (Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and...

Jul 2019

In June 2019, for the fifth year in a row, a Chinese tree nursery delegation visited the Netherlands under the leadership of Mr. Wang Jianming for a two-week study tour. The...

Jun 2019

In the week of May 27, various stakeholders of the tomato supply chain in the Narayangaon region in Maharastrha, India visited the Netherlands for an intensive study tour....

May 2019

In 2018, HollandDoor organized three day-long tailor-made study tours for the Ministry of Agriculture of Bangladesh on themes such as “Mechanized Cropping”; “Vegetable...

May 2019

AgroTie is a training and service center located near Bangalore, India. It is a private sector initiative, with the mission to strengthen the economical perspective of...

Apr 2019

In 2018 HollandDoor started a 3-year project in India in collaboration with the Center of Excellence (see Launch protected cultivation vegetable project ) . The main...

Mar 2019

On behalf of Lentiz , HollandDoor organized, for the second year, a series of workshops on Integrated Pest Management in Sri Lanka. The five workshops are organized by the...

Nov 2018

In 2017, the Baramati Agricultural Development Trust, together with the Indian government, invested in a highly innovative Centre of Excellence (CoE) for vegetables, the...

Jun 2018

Top Messe Service , located in Berlin, Germany, requested HollandDoor to organise a one day tailor-made horticultural tour for a delegation of the German-Iranian Chamber of...

Jun 2018

In February, May and June HollandDoor was requested by Kernel International to organize a one day tailor-made study tour for three high-ranked delegations from various...

Jun 2018

During the largest Dutch trade mission ever organized to India, from 22-25 May 2018, Mrs Carola Schouten ( Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the...

Jan 2018

HollandDoor participated from 19-22 January 2018 for the second time at the Krushik Expo organized by the Agricultural Development Trust and KVK Baramati . More than 200,000...

Dec 2017

The International Horticulture Innovation and Training Center (IHITC) located in Jaipur, is a governmental organization with the aim to collect and disseminate knowledge in...

Nov 2017

On 2 November 2017, the Maharashtra Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetables, built at KVK, Baramati, was officially opened by a group of high-ranking Indian and Dutch...

Oct 2017

Every year in October, the Dutch consulate in Mumbai organizes the “Holland meets Mumbai” event. The population of India is growing, whereas the available agricultural land...

Oct 2017

HollandDoor welcomed a group of civil servants from the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, who were guests of Sweco in the Netherlands. The group followed a study tour through...

Sep 2017

CARE International in the Caucasus, supports farmers from the western part of Georgia by introducing modern agricultural practices and it stimulates cooperative models....

Apr 2017

Minister-president Marc Rutte visited Cuba as a representor of the Dutch Caribbean Isle’s in June 2016. He spoke with Barbados’ head of government. This Caribbean isle has...

Feb 2017

For years HollandDoor has had a very good relationship with Inochio Group Japan ( www.inochio.co.jp ). They are an important partner in the Japanese horticulture sector. On...

Jan 2017

Maharashtra Centre of Excellence Vegetables Since the autumn of 2016 the development and building of the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetable Production" has been in...

Nov 2016

Maharashtra Centre of Excellence Vegetables Since the autumn of 2016 the development and building of the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetable Production" has been in...

Jul 2016

Sharad Pawar Mr Sharad Pawar is member of the India parliament and president of the Nationalist Congress Party which he founded in 1999, after separating from the Indian...

Apr 2016

Asian countries are investing in their agricultural sector and intend to develop their greenhouse horticultural sector. GPI Consultancy , who is active in the ICT offshore...

Feb 2016

Since 2014 HollandDoor is involved in the agricultural sector in Georgia and built a relationship with the Georgian Farmers Association (GFA). In February 2016 HollandDoor,...

Jan 2016

UTZ ( www.utz.org ), who is known for its ongoing efforts to make this world more sustainable, requested HollandDoor to organize an inspiring visit to a high-tech Dutch...

Jan 2015

Under the title "Enhancing entrepreneurship in Georgian agribusiness, based on the value chain approach" HollandDoor has trained two Georgian organisations in October 2014...

Dec 2014

The Dutch embassy in Cuba requested HollandDoor to organize a tailormade study trip of 1 week for 4 members of the Cuban agricultural reform committee: Mr. Roberto Ramón...

Oct 2014

From 6 to 18 October, a delegation from Guatemala studied the European system of quality and phytosanitary control. The aim was to develop a common control system for the...

Jun 2014

Greenhouse vegetable production is becoming more popular in Surinam. The Zeister Zendings genootschap (ZZg) from the Netherlands and its Surinam partner Equalance want to...

Dec 2013

In late December 2013, a government delegation from the Gambella region of Ethiopia visited the Netherlands. HollandDoor organized an introduction program at the request of...

Sep 2013

Together with Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences , HollandDoor organized a two week training on Horticultural Value Chain Development for KVK Baramati ,...

Sep 2013

HollandDoor organized a customised study programme for a one-week visit to the Netherlands at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture in Kazan. Kazan is the capital city...

May 2013

The population in India is growing rapidly, causing an increasing demand for products such as cereals, rice, chocolate, flowers, vegetables and fruit. Meeting this demand...

Feb 2024

The Republic of Moldova aims to establish a public institution, the Horticulture Office, that will professionalize and accelerate the development of the horticulture sector....

Dec 2023

Two years after the first meeting with the board of the Lebanese organization LOST , HollandDoor has started to work with a team of specialists to strengthen the capacity on...

Dec 2023

To expand HollandDoor’s reach in specific regions or networks, we have decided to start working with affiliated partners. An affiliated partner is a professional who lives...

Nov 2023

South Korean-based company Inkium Co. Ltd. , known for its extensive range of knowledge services, plays an important role in enhancing the human resource capacity of...

Sep 2023

The Republic of Moldova has been working on modernizing its agriculture for years. Against that background, HollandDoor organised a learning and inspiration study tour on...

Sep 2023

A delegation of the Botswana Red Cross visited the Netherlands. During their stay, HollandDoor organized a short study tour to a dairy farm and to the Farm of the Future ,...

Aug 2023

We mainly share our experiences about our training courses and study tours. In the summer of 2023, however, we spent our time also in a different way. Together with several...

Nov 2022

Linking agricultural cooperatives with the private sector and the market is high on the agenda of the Cambodian government. In November 2022, HollandDoor organized and...

Oct 2022

HollandDoor launched the inception phase of a new multi-year project in the olive oil sector in the Palestinian Territories. HollandDoor is leading a consortium of...

Oct 2022

Ocotober 2022, HollandDoor started giving on-site (live demo) CowSignals® training sessions in India. After two years of online training during the K2K (knowledge to...

Oct 2022

On request of the Agricultural Department of the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi, HollandDoor developed an infographic focusing on greenhouse horticultural development trends in...

Sep 2022

On request of CH Business Consulting , HollandDoor organized a two-day intensive business matchmaking program on September 12-13, 2022, for Mr. Joao Coelho ( NERBE Alentejo)...

Jun 2022

HollandDoor has been implementing an OKP TMT+ Project (Orange Knowledge Programme, Tailor-Made Training) in Benin since 2020, funded by Nuffic. The objective is to refresh...

Jun 2022

The Cambodian government, which intends to set up agri-food industrial parks in the country, decided to travel to the Netherlands to familiarize itself with different...

Jun 2022

In June 2022, a large delegation of policymakers from the Ministry of Education In Indonesia, officials from the future vocational Centre of Excellence, and education...

May 2022

Twelve Egyptian researchers, advisors, teachers, and entrepreneurs visited the Netherlands in May 2022 to gather ideas about best practices and solutions in climate-smart...

Feb 2022

In 2020, HollandDoor started an OKP TMT+ Project (Orange Knowledge Programme, Tailor- Made Training) in Benin to refresh and upgrade the vocational education capacities of...

Oct 2021

HollandDoor and ZOA are jointly implementing a Nuffic -funded program called “Enhancing the knowledge and skills of extension workers and farmers in efficient irrigation and...

Oct 2021

As part of the two-year Nuffic training program for experts from Jordan, HollandDoor organized (in late October 2021) a nine-day ‘inspiration’ tour to the Netherlands – the...

Oct 2021

After a long period of only being able to hold courses online due to COVID-19, in the first week of October 2021, HollandDoor trainers were finally able to conduct a...

Jul 2021

The agro-food sector can become an essential source of growth, employment, and entrepreneurship for Jordan's economy. However, to reach the potential and align with modern...

May 2021

The agrofood sector is evolving fast with new technologies and innovations, while society’s food habits, preferences and requirements are changing on a global and local...

May 2021

In 2020, HollandDoor began livestock training sessions for agricultural schools in Benin. These sessions are related to the Nuffic OKP project on horticulture, irrigation...

May 2021

In 2020, HollandDoor started the ‘Sustainable feed & waste management in the dairy sector’ course in Sri Lanka on behalf of The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO:...

May 2021

To strengthen the dairy sector, HollandDoor experts conducted lively online workshops in 2020 for dairy advisors and other professionals in Sri Lanka and India. We used a...

May 2021

From May 24-27, the second edition of the Nuffic -funded OKP course ‘Enhancing knowledge and skills of extension workers and farmers in efficient irrigation and...

Apr 2021

‘Climate-smart agriculture and modern water management’ is a multiyear collaboration project between HollandDoor and Aeres University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), the...

Feb 2021

The latest update of our three-year India project to realize market-driven greenhouse vegetable production came in July 2020. This project started in 2018 in collaboration...

Oct 2020

HollandDoor contributes to an Egyptian agricultural program that builds the capacity of government bodies and educational institutions with regard to modern irrigation,...

Oct 2020

In India last month, HollandDoor started the first online CowSignals® advisor trainings. We organized these trainings online together with the Dutch Embassy in Delhi and the...

Oct 2020

Nuffic granted HollandDoor an OKP plus ( Orange Knowledge Programme ) for a train the trainers project in the Anbar Region of Iraq. The project will be carried out with...

Jun 2020

In earlier newsletters and via our website, we’ve informed you multiple times about the progress in our 3-year India project that HollandDoor started in 2018 in...

Mar 2020

In the first week of March 2020, HollandDoor supported a study tour for directors and principles of vocational educational centres and recourse centres in Belarus.The...

Feb 2020

The Dutch RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) has asked HollandDoor to organize four trainings on dairy farming in four different states in India.This is a so-called K2K...

Jan 2020

At the beginning of 2020, HollandDoor started implementing training courses in Sri Lanka in the field of sustainable feed and waste management with the focus on dairy....

Jan 2020

Every year, the Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation , part of Wageningen University and Research (CDI-WUR), organizes the course “ Market Access for Food and...

Dec 2019

Western Black Sea Region Development Agency ( Bakka ) requested HollandDoor to organize a dedicated intensive three-day study tour program for a delegation of high-ranking...

Nov 2019

The Embassy of the Netherlands in Colombo and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) have collaborated to conduct a study visit to the Netherlands late November 2019 with...

Oct 2019

In 2018 HollandDoor started a three-year project in India in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetables in Baramati (see Launch protected cultivation...

Oct 2019

In 2018, HollandDoor organized at the request of Kernel International , based in Dhaka Bangladesh, three short tailor-made study tours for the Ministry of Agriculture of...

Sep 2019

HollandDoor guided a Moldovan delegation visiting the Netherlands to learn how to grow strawberries on substrate. In a full week program in September 2019, the participants...

Sep 2019

In May eight stakeholders (farmer, traders, government employees, and consultants) related to the Narayangaon APMC market visited the Netherlands (read more). During this...

Jul 2019

Bright Future in Agriculture (BFA), which enhances employability and food security in Ethiopia through quality ATVETs (Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and...

Jul 2019

In June 2019, for the fifth year in a row, a Chinese tree nursery delegation visited the Netherlands under the leadership of Mr. Wang Jianming for a two-week study tour. The...

Jun 2019

In the week of May 27, various stakeholders of the tomato supply chain in the Narayangaon region in Maharastrha, India visited the Netherlands for an intensive study tour....

May 2019

In 2018, HollandDoor organized three day-long tailor-made study tours for the Ministry of Agriculture of Bangladesh on themes such as “Mechanized Cropping”; “Vegetable...

May 2019

AgroTie is a training and service center located near Bangalore, India. It is a private sector initiative, with the mission to strengthen the economical perspective of...

Apr 2019

In 2018 HollandDoor started a 3-year project in India in collaboration with the Center of Excellence (see Launch protected cultivation vegetable project ) . The main...

Mar 2019

On behalf of Lentiz , HollandDoor organized, for the second year, a series of workshops on Integrated Pest Management in Sri Lanka. The five workshops are organized by the...

Nov 2018

In 2017, the Baramati Agricultural Development Trust, together with the Indian government, invested in a highly innovative Centre of Excellence (CoE) for vegetables, the...

Jun 2018

Top Messe Service , located in Berlin, Germany, requested HollandDoor to organise a one day tailor-made horticultural tour for a delegation of the German-Iranian Chamber of...

Jun 2018

In February, May and June HollandDoor was requested by Kernel International to organize a one day tailor-made study tour for three high-ranked delegations from various...

Jun 2018

During the largest Dutch trade mission ever organized to India, from 22-25 May 2018, Mrs Carola Schouten ( Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the...

Jan 2018

HollandDoor participated from 19-22 January 2018 for the second time at the Krushik Expo organized by the Agricultural Development Trust and KVK Baramati . More than 200,000...

Dec 2017

The International Horticulture Innovation and Training Center (IHITC) located in Jaipur, is a governmental organization with the aim to collect and disseminate knowledge in...

Nov 2017

On 2 November 2017, the Maharashtra Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetables, built at KVK, Baramati, was officially opened by a group of high-ranking Indian and Dutch...

Oct 2017

Every year in October, the Dutch consulate in Mumbai organizes the “Holland meets Mumbai” event. The population of India is growing, whereas the available agricultural land...

Oct 2017

HollandDoor welcomed a group of civil servants from the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, who were guests of Sweco in the Netherlands. The group followed a study tour through...

Sep 2017

CARE International in the Caucasus, supports farmers from the western part of Georgia by introducing modern agricultural practices and it stimulates cooperative models....

Apr 2017

Minister-president Marc Rutte visited Cuba as a representor of the Dutch Caribbean Isle’s in June 2016. He spoke with Barbados’ head of government. This Caribbean isle has...

Feb 2017

For years HollandDoor has had a very good relationship with Inochio Group Japan ( www.inochio.co.jp ). They are an important partner in the Japanese horticulture sector. On...

Jan 2017

Maharashtra Centre of Excellence Vegetables Since the autumn of 2016 the development and building of the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetable Production" has been in...

Nov 2016

Maharashtra Centre of Excellence Vegetables Since the autumn of 2016 the development and building of the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetable Production" has been in...

Jul 2016

Sharad Pawar Mr Sharad Pawar is member of the India parliament and president of the Nationalist Congress Party which he founded in 1999, after separating from the Indian...

Apr 2016

Asian countries are investing in their agricultural sector and intend to develop their greenhouse horticultural sector. GPI Consultancy , who is active in the ICT offshore...

Feb 2016

Since 2014 HollandDoor is involved in the agricultural sector in Georgia and built a relationship with the Georgian Farmers Association (GFA). In February 2016 HollandDoor,...

Jan 2016

UTZ ( www.utz.org ), who is known for its ongoing efforts to make this world more sustainable, requested HollandDoor to organize an inspiring visit to a high-tech Dutch...

Jan 2015

Under the title "Enhancing entrepreneurship in Georgian agribusiness, based on the value chain approach" HollandDoor has trained two Georgian organisations in October 2014...

Dec 2014

The Dutch embassy in Cuba requested HollandDoor to organize a tailormade study trip of 1 week for 4 members of the Cuban agricultural reform committee: Mr. Roberto Ramón...

Oct 2014

From 6 to 18 October, a delegation from Guatemala studied the European system of quality and phytosanitary control. The aim was to develop a common control system for the...

Jun 2014

Greenhouse vegetable production is becoming more popular in Surinam. The Zeister Zendings genootschap (ZZg) from the Netherlands and its Surinam partner Equalance want to...

Dec 2013

In late December 2013, a government delegation from the Gambella region of Ethiopia visited the Netherlands. HollandDoor organized an introduction program at the request of...

Sep 2013

Together with Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences , HollandDoor organized a two week training on Horticultural Value Chain Development for KVK Baramati ,...

Sep 2013

HollandDoor organized a customised study programme for a one-week visit to the Netherlands at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture in Kazan. Kazan is the capital city...

May 2013

The population in India is growing rapidly, causing an increasing demand for products such as cereals, rice, chocolate, flowers, vegetables and fruit. Meeting this demand...