The world population is expected to reach almost 10 billion people by 2050 and more than 11 billion by 2100. At the same time, the shift from countryside to metropolitan areas will continue, the impact of climate change will become more tangible and natural resources such as water and energy will become increasingly scarce.



The world needs to share all the knowledge, experience and techniques available to develop new concepts and partnerships in order to conserve scarce resources, reduce our footprint on the planet, and fulfil the growing demand for affordable, healthy and safe agricultural products.



HollandDoor contributes to a stronger global high-value agriculture and horticulture by bridging the gap between the demand and supply of knowledge, skills and networks.



HollandDoor operates independently from commercial parties in the Netherlands or abroad, which is crucial to perfectly meeting the clients’ needs. Independency includes limiting ourselves to the precompetitive phase in business partnerships. 


HollandDoor actively promotes knowledge of sustainable solutions and sustainable firms. We believe focusing on having a sustainable agricultural sector is elementary for our future.


HollandDoor supports all clients, whether they are innovative multinationals, investing in high technology, or a massive group of small-scale farmers. Respecting different business types and different cultures and caring about our clients go hand in hand.


It is HollandDoor’s ambition to offer its clients services that exceed their expectations.