
International Business Immersion Program (IBIP) visits again The Netherlands!

The International Business Immersion Program (IBIP) of Illinois University from USA visits frequently The Netherlands when their tours target at Europe. The primary goal of IBIP is to prepare international agri- and foodbusiness masterstudents to identify and respond to challenges associated with business operations in the global marketplace. Every year the program takes students to South America, Asia or Europe and every time the tour is changing its theme so the tour program do differ in focus.


After being involved in the programs of 2009, 2011 and 2012, also for this 2015 edition, HollandDoor was requested to prepare a tailor-made study tour program which should contain both company visits as well touristic elements for period of 22 – 26 May 2015. The theme for the 2015 tour was defined as: “Firm, Channel, and Industry Dynamics within the European Agri-Food Sector” and this theme was subdivided in following sub-themes research by small student groups throughout the Europe tour: 

  • European Dairy: “What are the principles of the dairy industry both in the United States as well as Europe and how do consumers react to alternative dairy practices in terms of production and regulation comparatively?”
  • European Family farm sizes and sustainability: “How will family agriculture remain sustainable and contribute to the challenge of feeding a growing world population when arable land becomes more vital?”
  • Food Waste Reduction Technology: “What are the technologies at the production and retail segments of the supply chain; and how do they impact the overall food waste throughout the supply chain?”
  • Slow Food Movement: “How is the Slow Food Movement working to make positive strides on the front of environmental issues and specific cultural and endangered foods? How are Slow Food producers and products recognized in the market?”
  • Wine Production and Distribution in restaurants and supermarkets: “Is there currently a market for locally produced wine in Europe and the United States and how can locally produced wine be marketed to a wider range of European consumers?”

The tour program was intensive which resulted in many visits in short span of time. HollandDoor and the students of IBIP2015 whould like to thank all involved people and companies and want to mention at least following: Solyco, Boerderij Het Lansingerland, So Natural, Albert Heijn, Fenix Food Factory, Management Markthal Rotterdam, Pepsico Quaker Oats, Vinium.net, Monsanto


Extensive photo overview: https://goo.gl/photos/aPdftxuAy7q8g7rz5


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