Chinese nursery sector shows continuous interest in the Netherlands

On the occasion of Plantarium, August 2019, a Chinese delegation under the leadership of Yang Kaiyun visited the Netherlands, Germany and Italy for a tree nursery business tour. HollandDoor arranged the visits in the Netherlands and Germany, offering a diverse program with exposure to the key tree nursery regions. The program included visits to Tree Centre Opheusden, Treeport Zundert, the Plantarium and GroenDirect events in Boskoop and workshop sessions in Wageningen and Campus Villa Flora in Venlo with the involvement of Wageningen University & Research, Compas Agro and Growfirm. The delegation visited a number of tree nurseries with a focus on ornamental trees, perennials and flowering plants, such as Combinatie Mauritz in Opheusden, Braspenning & Co Tuinplanten BV in Zundert, John van Oosterwijck in Molenschot and De Jong Plant BV (Forever and Ever Hydrangea) in Boskoop. The delegation crossed the German border to visit Lappen Nursery.


The business tour was initiated and organised by Mr. Yang Kaiyuan, former chief journalist of the China Flower & Gardening News and currently the general manager of Hangzhou ibeefly Culture Media Co. Within his broad network he formed a group of 12 representatives of the sector, including professors of Shandong Agricultural University, the deputy president of the Fujian Flower Association and owners of large tree nurseries. Apart from several business leads, the study visit has laid a foundation for further discussions about Sino-Dutch cooperation in the development of a business park in Fujian Province and in joint training programs in the field of cultivation and distribution.


For more information please contact Jos Leeters

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