HollandDoor supports Ethiopian education in the BFA project

Bright Future in Agriculture (BFA), which enhances employability and food security in Ethiopia through quality ATVETs (Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and Training) in horticulture and dairy, is a three-year project to support Ethiopian agricultural vocational training. The project runs from January 2019 to 2021 and is funded by Nuffic. Maastricht School of Management (MSM) from the Netherlands and the Ethiopian Federal TVET Institute (FTI) are implementing the project together with 12 partners from the Netherlands, Ethiopia and South Africa. HollandDoor is one of them. Over the next three years the project team will guide a group of 28 teachers and deans from six schools to enable them to offer more practical education to their students.


In July 2019 the project started for us with a value chain analysis and management training in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, offered by the Dutch partner Q-Point and with support from HollandDoor. In addition to classroom sessions to understand the principles of the value chain network and to identify relevant stakeholders to successfully implement the college action plans, participants also experienced the practical situation. A joint visit was made to the Ethiopian Meat and Dairy Industry Development Institute (EMDIDI). The visit to EMDIDI was mainly focused on the processing of dairy products and of course the stables and the milking parlour were visited. The mission in Ethiopia was successfully followed by a visit to the Netherlands. The Ethiopian members of the project steering committee and the deans of the four TVET colleges involved in the BFA project were introduced to Dutch labour market-oriented agricultural education. In addition, there were a number of field visits, including one at the dairy farm of Lisanne Oskam of HollandDoor.


For more information please contact Lisanne Oskam

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