Market opportunities for Dutch greenhouse industry in India

“Analyze the market potential for Dutch vegetable greenhouse technology, services and knowhow”: that was the request from HollandDoor to Akash Pawar, an Indian student, studying at Van Hall Larenstein in the Netherlands.


Akash decided to do his internship at HollandDoor and started his market analysis in the Netherlands, followed by a market study and many interviews in three states in India. This internship was supported by the following Dutch companies, which are interested in the Indian Market: Rijk Zwaan seeds, Ridder drive systems, Koppert biological control, Patron agri systems, Jiffy products international and Eurofins Agro.


From the perspective of the Netherlands, India can be seen as a continent, instead of a country, consisting of 29 states. The horticultural state of Maharashtra alone is six times larger in size than the Netherlands. For that reason, the market analysis started in the Netherlands with collecting many ecological, economic, demographical and political data of developments in all states, followed by an online survey of many relations in India. The Dutch companies involved selected three main states for Pawar to visit and conduct many interviews at the following levels: government, retailers, suppliers, universities and farmers.


Based on the selected data and online survey, the main growth in protected cultivation is expected in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh and Gujarat. The main drivers for investment in protected cultivation are knowledge and training of farmers, but also the political will of the government and growth of the economy play an important role.


For more information please contact Engelie Beenen or Niek Botden.


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