TMT sustainable feed & waste management in the dairy sector in Sri Lanka

At the beginning of 2020, HollandDoor started implementing training courses in Sri Lanka in the field of sustainable feed and waste management with the focus on dairy.


HollandDoor is responsible for the project management. The Dutch stakeholders are Wellantcollege Houten and Wageningen University. The Sri Lankan stakeholder is the Department of Animal Production and Health of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development. Other collaborators include the All Island Dairy Association of Sri Lanka and the National Livestock Development Board (NLDB) supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Colombo and Agricultural Counselor in Delhi and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.


The aim of this project is to contribute to a sustainable dairy sector and economic development in Sri Lanka by providing knowledge to farmers and extension officers on sustainable feed and waste management in dairy farming. 


At the end of January the first TMT training was given. The trainings were conducted with experts from Wageningen University, Wellantcollege Houten, HollandDoor and local trainers from the University of Peradeniya. Government policymakers, extension officers and dairy farmers enhanced their knowledge and skills about sustainable feed and waste management.


One-week trainings for 20 – 25 participants each week will be organized six times, ending at the beginning of April. Topics discussed during the trainings include fodder production, nutrition, dairy cattle feeding, lactation cycle, metabolics, silage, and manure waste management. Theoretical and practical sessions are alternated. 


For more information, please contact Lisanne Oskam.


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