HollandDoor in India also active in the dairy sector

The Dutch RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) has asked HollandDoor to organize four trainings on dairy farming in four different states in India.This is a so-called K2K (knowledge to knowledge) program, which aims to train extension workers, officers and advisors on dairy farming in India. Together with WellantCollege and Van Hall Larenstein, we will cover topics such as feeding, health and milking of dairy cows. Cowsignals, a practical tool for improving health and management on the farm will be introduced to the trainees. We are now preparing the practical dairy workshops with our team of Dutch trainees


To prepare the practical dairy workshops, Ad Merks recently visited the states of Gujarat, Haryana and Telangana to meet dairy companies and associations. He also visited the Dairy Development Board in Anand, The Dairy Research Institute in Karnal and the Telangana Veterinary and Agricultural University in Hyderabad. He was very impressed by the possibilities in the Indian dairy sector, but also by the existing knowledge and research. The dairy sector in India is big and still growing.


The Dutch Embassy in New Delhi was very helpful with preparing the intake week. It will also help with making the appointments and planning for the four training weeks. The Dutch Dairy Cluster in India (DDCI), which started as PIB program three years ago with six Dutch companies, will also cooperate. Together with the DDCI, we hope to bring in new contacts and new business between India and the Netherlands.


After the four trainings, we will focus on more specialized dairy trainings in India, but also on professional study travels to and from the Netherlands. The Indian farmers can learn from the Dutch farmers, but the Dutch dairy sector can also learn a great deal from the dairy sector in India!


For more information, please contact Ad Merks.


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