Sri Lanka: Sustainable feed and waste management for the dairy industry

In 2020, HollandDoor started the ‘Sustainable feed & waste management in the dairy sector’ course in Sri Lanka on behalf of The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO: Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) in collaboration with WellantCollege and Wageningen University & Research. We were able to carry out four in-person training sessions early 2020.


At the time, there was little experience in Sri Lanka with online training. This is why I am very proud to report that we successfully converted the in-person sessions into online courses. These were offered to a select group of entrepreneurs and dairy professionals who wanted to improve their knowledge and skills on feed and waste management in the dairy sector. Participants followed these courses and carried out the exercises from their own farms.


Every week, we spend several hours online with the participants to work on nutrition and feeding, the lactation cycle, CowSignals® and sustainable waste management. The participants make their own feed plan and receive an introduction to assessing their farm and cows. We also arranged a practical session on a Dutch farm, in which we assessed the farm and cows with participants from Sri Lanka. In the last meeting, all participants presented a farm action plan to the Dutch and Sri Lanka team. 


We completed the first online training session at the end of March and started the last online sessions with a new group at the beginning of May.


For more information, contact Lisanne Oskam

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