Successful online training on dairy farming in India

Last year HollandDoor proved that the CowSignals® platform is an effective method for training of Indian dairy professionals online on how to improve health and milk production on dairy farms. The CowSignals® platform enabled us to improve the technical and communication skills of about 60 dairy advisors and extension officers. These professionals were affiliated with about 40 dairy and feed organizations in India.


The original purpose of this (Knowledge to Knowledge (K2K)) program was to organize physical training activities in workshops on feeding, health, reproduction, and milking. The Covid-19 crisis forced us to move the program from live to online for all participants/organizations, however, with virtual classrooms and Q/As in WhatsApp groups. The Indian participants sent in their own cases and problems from their dairy farms. This helped to generate interest among participants, who were eager to learn about the CowSignals® method.


Another program aim was to improve the participants’ extension and advisory skills. So, we decided to hold face-to-face training sessions with a limited number of participants in the classroom. Though the participants were not used to this (personal) approach, they were positive about the presentations. Of the approximately 60 Indian dairy participants, 57 became official CowSignals® Advisor with an official certificate for professionals.


Our ambition is to double milk production in India with the same number of cows by substantially increasing efficiency in India’s dairy sector. K2K programs enable us to support the Indian dairy and feed organizations in using more sustainable methods and reducing methane (gas) emissions for their dairy customers. And Indian farmers will become more competent in producing more and better-quality milk. This will boost their incomes so they can subsequently invest in their own farms. 


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Source: (The Netherlands)



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