Indian greenhouse farming - which regios to focus?

On request of the Agricultural Department of the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi, HollandDoor developed an infographic focusing on greenhouse horticultural development trends in the various regions of India.


The greenhouse sector is developing rapidly in India. It’s experiencing different trends touching on issues such as crop varieties, different levels of technical applications and differences in the pace of developments as well links to the final market. This rapidly changing landscape has made it necessary to distinguish between macro-trends in the development of protected farming in India.


The team that worked on the survey, primarily Mr. Amit Patil, started by conducting a desk study to make comparisons, links, and recalculations based on various data sources, such as the graphs published in the infographic, which were validated by in-depth interviews with various stakeholders in India.


This sector survey presents interesting findings for companies and institutes in India, the Netherlands and other countries to define strategies. Government agencies can use the survey to develop and implement programs and policies that can help to further expand protected cultivation in India.


For the full announcement, click here. To download the survey, click here.


For more information, please contact Niek Botden