Registration open for practical training "Greenhouse Vegetable Cultivation"

HollandDoor is initiating a practical greenhouse vegetable cultivation training titled “The Eye of the Grower”. It targets on those who want to expand their theoretical and practical cultivation knowledge and want to get a better understanding of the principles of optimizing greenhouse vegetable production.


This training is scheduled from March 26th – April 2st 2023, which equals with the start of production season in the Netherlands. The registration is open for 8 persons, If you want to register: please use the following link.


Registration link


For the training we use high-tech Dutch vegetable greenhouses as a “Greenhouse Rich Learning Environment”. This will create a truly informative and inspiration base for this training, which targets mainly greenhouse owners and/or head growers. Required is experience with greenhouse vegetable cultivation and being a member of greenhouse cultivation management team. 


Also in this training, regular topics are handled such as plant physiology and its relations with greenhouse climate, irrigation, fertigation and plant health in order to realize optimal cultivation strategies. Also principles how to monitor, control and optimize plant balance to reach optimal production will be discussed. What makes this training different from other comparable trainings is its approach. Although theoretical background of relevant physics, chemistry and plant physiology will be handled to refresh and upgrade, the main focus is learning to understand the plant growth itself by visit the crops, and learn by “crop walks” in commercial Dutch greenhouses. 


With daily visits to greenhouses the participants will learn “How to read the plant and what it wants to tell you”. The participant will increase his plant judging skills. The plants appearance together with crop registration, greenhouse sensors and climate data will give base to formulate effective cultivation strategies. Valorising “the green fingers” in combination with the use of modern data collection and data evaluation procedures.


The training will be a one week training, taking place from Sunday to Sunday (arrival / departure days). Price will be turn-key for all costs in The Netherlands, such as transport, accommodation, meals and training. It excludes travel costs for trips to the meeting point at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The costs for this training will be €3950,- per person.


For more information, please contact Geerten van der Lugt or Niek Botden.



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