Twenty-five female extension workers received their second training in Anbar, Iraq, in January 2023. The training had a special focus on extension work and extension skills. The Nuffic-funded training was specifically designed for women and covered topics such as hydroponics and animal husbandry. The special focus on extension work and extension skills was well received by the participants, as their position as female extension workers is challenging in the context of the situation in Iraq. A video of the training explains why.
The training is part of a Nuffic-funded, tailor-made training project called "Training female extension staff and business professionals on climate-smart agriculture in Anbar Governorate" in Iraq, implemented by HollandDoor in close cooperation with ZOA-Iraq and Al Khiamiat. As female professionals, they play an important role in reaching female farmers in this region. Female farmers in Iraq are in a vulnerable position, as many are returnees and widows who are responsible for the income and well-being of their families.
For more information, please contact Geerten van der Lugt.