Enhancing the value chain for agricultural products in the Kurdistan region in Iraq

The UNDP is supporting the Government of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq to foster regional development. For the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources, enhancing the value chain for agricultural products is a priority.


Blessed with fertile soil, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has the potential to become an important agricultural hub. The extension service plays an important role in developing the value chain. To support the extension service in particular, HollandDoor, in cooperation with AMBERO Consulting and Sprout Economics, is assessing the agricultural value chains in Kurdistan. HollandDoor is providing technical assistance to develop a new strategy for the extension service, ensuring it effectively supports these value chains. For various high-potential crops, plans are being developed to introduce new farming methods and technologies, and to improve the marketing of agricultural products.


A capacity-building program is a key component of this initiative. As part of this program, several training sessions will be given this summer, aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of the extension personnel.


For more information, please contact Geerten van der Lugt





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