Korean strawberry farmers visit the Dutch strawberry sector

South-Korean based company Inkium Co. Ltd. offers a wide range of knowledge services to strengthen human resource capacity of companies and organizations. Supported by the Korean government, they train and coach a group of strawberry farmers and part of this tailor-made training was a study abroad program to learn from their Dutch counterparts.


Inkium requested HollandDoor to organize a one week tailor-made training program which included several lectures and many field visits during the period of Saturday 24 August until Saturday 31 August 2024 to the high-tech Dutch outdoor and greenhouse strawberry sector.


South Korea has a strawberry production area of thousands of hectares and the average consumption per capita is about 4 times higher compared to the Netherlands. However the technology and innovation levels are relatively low, partly due to the aging of farmers.


The group received tailor-made lectures on latest insights in breeding, propagation, flower initiation, (root) disease management, irrigation, substrates and production systems. The lectures were illustrated by a large number of field visits to strawberry propagation and production companies, suppliers and trade organizations, as well as greenhouse strawberry research.


Because there was also a free weekend, there was also time to enjoy Dutch cities and the Dutch culture. The group assessed the program very positively, was surprised by the visits and information and went home with a head full of inspirations.


For more information, please contactFor more information, please contact Niek Botden.

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