In November 2024, the executive board of DFA Haryana, India embarked on a study travel to the Netherlands. The study travel focused on genetics, breeding, robotics, and sensor technology in dairy farming. Organized by dairy expert Ad Merks from HollandDoor, the trip offered valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration.
The highlight of the Study Travel was the HollandHolstein Show held on November 15-16 in Leeuwarden. This prestigious event showcased the best Holstein cows in the Netherlands, celebrated for their top-quality confirmation and exceptional milk production. The stunning show setting, particularly on Saturday, left a lasting impression on the delegation.
DFA Haryana, keen to advance its dairy genetics, explored opportunities to import semen and embryos from Dutch genetics companies, such as CRV, HolsteinHerds, and Alta Genetics. The board also engaged with Dutch exhibitors specializing in dairy equipment, animal care products, and feeding systems during the exhibition. HollandDoor extended is gratitude to the organizers for their warm hospitality and good event organization.
The study travel offered much more than the show. The DFA Haryana board visited modern dairy farms and leading Dutch companies. The visits included Alta Genetics, with its nucleus farm in Garnwerd and Lely Dairies, with its demonstration farm in Schipluiden. Other highlights were the CowManager company in Harmelen, with its demonstration farm in Kamerik, and the Feed cooperative ABZ Diervoeding, with its Welkoop shop in Haastrecht.
DFA Haryana’s board was impressed by the knowledge and solutions for dairy farming in the Netherlands. They are hoping for more cooperation with Dutch companies and dairy farmers. The DFA Haryana board extended an open invitation to the 6th Dairy and Agri Expo, scheduled for 10-12 January, 2025, in Kurukshetra. This event will feature over 300 exhibitors, showcasing the best cows (Holsteins, Jerseys), buffaloes, and horses from Haryana.
For more information, please contact Ad Merks
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