Local government Nagasaka, Japan, would like to modernize the tomato cultivation
For years HollandDoor has had a very good relationship with Inochio Group Japan (www.inochio.co.jp). They are an important partner in the Japanese horticulture sector. On a regular basis we organize study trips for Inochio’s customers.
One of these customers, Nagasaki’s local government, wants to expand its area of the horticultural production towards a higher level and stimulate the tomato cultivation.
On the 2nd and 3rd of February HollandDoor organized a tailor made 2-day study trip for a delegation from Nagasaki which was requested by Inochio. During the visit the delegation was informed about the latest insights in technology, knowledge and practice. Finding partners to support Nagasaki’s government in realizing its goals was another purpose if the trip.
Krushik2017 India Fair: HollandDoor organizes participation of Dutch CoE Baramati consortium
Maharashtra Centre of Excellence Vegetables
Since the autumn of 2016 the development and building of the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetable Production" has been in progress at KVK Baramati in India. The CoE has over 6000 m2 of plastic mid-tech greenhouses at their disposal, divided over 4 different cultivation departments. The aim of the CoE is to inform Indian growers about the modern Dutch techniques, knowledge and methods used for the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses. By doing so the CoE is trying to create awareness and acceptance for these techniques. The project is part of the ‘’National Action Plan of Indo-Dutch Coöperation’’ project.
Click here to find more information about the CoE Baramati.
The CoE is being built by Jain Irrigation from India. This organization cooperates with the following Dutch consortium:
At the invitation of KVK Baramati the above consortium has presented the CoE and itself to the Indian public at the 2nd editon of the Krushik Fair. HollandDoor organized the participation of the Kruskhik fair by presenting the consortium in a joint stand. Krushik2017 drew, over a period of 4 days, an audience from almost 220.000!!! visitors and our consortium received a lot of interest from curious Indian growers, suppliers and other industry peers.
More information can be found via the following links:
Technical training for grape growers from Sangli, India
Sangli, a region in the state of Maharashtra in India, is an area where the grape culture is extremely important. Only second after the Nashik region, Sangli has the largest grape production of Maharashtra. The total area is over 10,000 ha, with its most important kind the Sonaka (clone of the Thomsan Seedless).
HollandDoor and Kobus Bothma developed on request of Maharashtra Grape Growers Association (MGGA) a tailormade training and crop consultancy program in order to give as many grape growers as possible the opportunity to profit from the knowledge and recommendations given. Mr. Kobus Bothma is an agronomist consultant from South Africa who specializes in soil and nutrional management focusing on the grape culture. He has been a consultant for over 25 years in South Africa as well as in other African countries.
The program started in August 2016 and about every 2 months a training mission to Sangli area takes place. Every mission, about 16 - 20 farmers are visited. Special attention is paid to the soil, the other harvest conditions and the used techniques. The growers are given recommendations about possible measures that they could take and were given practical recommendations with regards to improving the efficiency of their production. Furthermore, also lectures about for example the importance of soil preparation and proper nutritional management are given during meetings of the MGGA. A large group of grape growers are reached with this lectures.
In April 2017, after 5 missions, is the program evaluated by MGGA. Both the grape growers group as well as the MGGA members were very enthusiastic about the services provided. Based on this positive evaluation, the training missions will be continued in 2017.
Since the autumn of 2016 the development and building of the "Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Vegetable Production" has been in progress at KVK Baramati in India. The center will be in operation by the middle of May 2017. The CoE has over 6000 m2 of plastic mid-tech greenhouses at their disposal, divided over 4 different cultivation departments using Dutch cultivation systems.
The aim of the CoE is creating awareness and acceptance of the modern Dutch techniques and practice used for the cultivation of vegetables in greenhouses by the Indian growers. By demonstrating this and through creating training opportunities in the surrounding area, this should lead to an improvement of the production and quality of the vegetables in Mahareshtra. Moreover the center will lead to employment opportunities.
Not only will the CoE demonstrate high-quality production and give trainings, but it will also take care of disease free cultivation of plant material as well as optimizing the aftercrop. The CoE should be a platform where different stakeholders meet one another and work together to further innovate the horticulture sector in Maharashtra.
Click here to find more information about the CoE Baramati or you can find the flyer of the project here.
The CoE is being built by Jain Irrigation from India. This organization cooperates with the following Dutch consortium:
Parallel to the development and building of CoE, Baramati runs an extensive training-program in order to teach the CoE staff the necessary cultivation techniques and knowledge. Through theoretical- as well as practical lessons and excursions the knowledge, which the CoE staff needs in order to use modern techniques to grow vegetables such as tomato, peppers and cucumbers, is being taught to them. The intention is that there will be an increase of the produce through high-wire hydroponic cultivation, this in combination with a reduction of the impact on the environment and an increase of the durability and food safety.
The following tailor-made training programs are organized by HollandDoor:
Nov – Dec. 2016: 4,5 week intensive training program in the Netherlands focusing on teaching of skills.
Jan. 2017: 1 week training program in Baramati, repeating and going deeper into cultivation-skills and business-case-development.
Sep. 2017: 1 week training program in Baramati, repeating and going deeper into previous training expanded with an evaluation of the first few months of the starting process of the cultivation.
Chinese tree nursery companies visit Europe for a second time
In the summer of 2015 a study tour was successfully organised by HollandDoor. This tour was arranged for a group of 16 top entrepreneurs from the Chinese tree nursery. The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany were visited as part of the tour. This visit was initiated by Mr. Wang Jianming of Handan CityQicaiyuanyi Landscape Engineering Co. from Hebei. Both he and the Chinese delegation were highly satisfied about the organisation of the tour, the visits and the information given. Which is why Mr. Wang requested HollandDoor to organise another similar visit for a new group of tree nurserymen. During the fall of 2016 Mr. Wang came to the Netherlands for a second time for a 2-week-visit with this new group. During their stay both the Netherlands as well as Belgium were revisited. So again HollandDoor arranged another study tour during which tree nurseries and landscape parks were paid a visit. The goal was to inspire our Chinese guests as well as giving them practical knowledge.
The 2016-delegation existed out of tree nursery companies from 6 Chinese provinces: Hebei, Xinjiang, Shandong, Jilin, Lianong and Sichuan. From the 25th of September to the 7th of October the delegation visited the north of Belgium, both the south east and the south west of the Netherlands. On top of this, a visit was paid to the Opheusden region. Moreover a visit to the trade fair Groot Groen Plus was scheduled for October 5th. A presentation was given by Wang Jianming in which he showed the latest trends and developments of the Chinese tree nursery sector. He is convinced that the Netherlands and China have much to offer to each other with regards to the interchange of knowledge as well as in the area of transacting business.
At the end of the study tour the Chinese delegation were for a second time very satisfied about the quality of the programme. There is a great interest in follow-up visits. Several of the host companies in the Netherlands and Belgium also showed interest in a return visit to China.