India training-of-trainers project reaches new milestone as Maharashtra Greenhouse Experts provide first training

The latest update of our three-year India project to realize market-driven greenhouse vegetable production came in July 2020. This project started in 2018 in collaboration between HollandDoor, the Center of Excellence for Vegetables (CoE) in Baramati, and Dutch partners VHL, HAS, Aeres, all three Universities of Applied Sciences, and TVET school Lentiz. This program is funded by the Dutch government through the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). For more information, click here.


Covid-19 had a big impact on our planning. Unfortunately, due to travel restrictions internationally and within India, we, CoE Baramati, and our trained experts had to postpone the proposed face-to-face training sessions for farmers several times during 2020.

Eventually, we decided to change from a three-day on-site format to two-day online training and preparations. On 9 and 10 February, about 60 trainees joined the online training event. It was opened with a welcome speech from the newly appointed Dutch Agricultural Counsellor for India and Sri Lanka, Michiel van Erkel. Dr. Sharad Gadakh, MPKV Rahuri Agricultural University Director of Extension and Research, delivered the opening speech from the Indian side.


The trainers’ group that has been trained in this project has been formalized as Maharashtra Greenhouse Experts (MGE), powered by CoE Baramati. MGE and CoE aim to work together to further develop and professionalize the greenhouse vegetable sector of Maharashtra, a task no party can do alone.

The goal is to produce more with less by using innovative technology, production know-how, and effective value chain concepts. The MGE training focuses on increasing awareness, understanding, and acceptance of these among farmers and other stakeholders to help upgrade Indian vegetable production. During the two-day online training, the following themes were presented by MGE Trainers:

Greenhouse Vegetable Cultivation Training   

Greenhouse Vegetable Value Chain Training

1.     Growing media and propagation    

2.     Greenhouse structures and climate & impact on plant physiology and cultivation strategy

3.     Irrigation and fertigation

4.     Integrated pest management

1.     Post-harvest management & strategies to reduce losses

2.     Added value creation & meeting customer demands

3.     Partnerships & collaboration          

4.     Entrepreneurship & farm economics


For more information, please contact Niek Botden or Engelie Beenen

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